Till the recent past, plastic bags were an indispensible part of daily human life. Not that even now the use of plastic bags can be called completely a history, but awareness has started to spread among people about the negative sides of use of the polythene carry bags.
As plastic is a cheap and durable material, the market witnessed a boom in production and use of it within a very short span of time. The durability of plastic is guaranteed by the fact that it is not naturally broken down by microorganisms, that is to say, it is non bio degradable.
So, the consequences of such overuse of plastic did not take long to surface. Regular or daily use of short lived disposable plastic items such as carry bags and similar stuff produces huge accumulation of non biodegradable waste that takes thousands of years to decompose completely into nature.
Thus, the damage caused to the environment and other hazardous results produced by the accumulation of such huge plastic, are absolutely alarming. The rationality of the daily use of plastic became questionable. One such example of daily use of plastic is the polythene carry bags.
Luckily, there are less hazardous and healthier alternatives to the plastic carry bags. A category of bio degradable and eco friendly carry bags are on the rise. The major portions all across India are exercising a ban on plastic bags and are opting for other eco friendly alternatives to plastic.
Some advantages of eco friendly carry bags over the plastic ones are stated here:
- Bio degradable: The eco friendly bags are mostly made materials that are easy to get decomposed by the bacteria and other microorganisms. Thus, they take less time to disintegrate into simpler forms.
- Healthy: These carry bags don’t stay as they were made for ever. So, they don’t contribute to huge heaps of garbage that cannot be treated and managed for good. Also, the production and treatment of plastic produces toxic by product and fumes which are heavily taxing for overall health. This sort of risk is not present in case of the environment friendly options.
- Pollution: The entire life of plastic from birth to death causes environmental pollution. The production and treatment of plastic items causes the factories to release toxic waste to the natural water bodies and harmful fumes in the air, through the chimneys. Such chemical outputs are negligible for the eco friendly carry bags.
- Global Warming: All the problems, the plastic bags together cause a potential contribution in Global warming. The toxic fumes given off, contains green house gasses in them and the chemicals produced makes it difficult for the trees and animal lives disturbing the natural balance.
This is a high time we switch to eco friendly carry bags to reduce pollution and make Mother Nature a cleaner, greener place.

It is a nice article, I really appreciate this information about eco-friendly carry bag.